Owning Your Femininity in a Male Dominated Industry

Being a woman in a man’s world

can seem intimidating, especially when it comes to owning your femininity. Embracing your femininity is key to who you are and the confidence with which you carry out your job every single day. Behind every fashionable image is a collaboration between wardrobe, hair, and makeup that creates the overall impression you’ll make. In this article, we’ll give you pointers for owning your femininity in a male-dominated industry through style and fashion.


Creating unforgettable looks begins with knowing your body shape and working to flatter it. Most importantly, knowing your silhouette is the basis for helping you dress in a way that boosts your confidence and gives you the self-esteem to walk into a room full of men and take control.

Are you a circle, square, rectangle, inverted triangle, triangle, or hourglass? Are you short-waisted or long-waisted? Knowing these foundations can help you find the perfect undergarments for flattering your shape. If you aren’t happy with your shape, that’s okay – even celebrities wear body shapers to smooth out and accentuate their silhouettes. “Dressing to feel beautiful begins beneath your clothes,” says style expert Mikara Reid.

Colors, Prints, and Patterns

Once you’ve got your foundation in place, you’re ready to add to it. The first step here is to find what works for you, keeping proportions in mind, and to add color, prints, patterns, and textures. With prints and patterns ranging from geometric and abstract to animal print and paisley, there are plenty of options to choose from. Colors, prints, and patterns can be used to help you stand out in an industry where men tend to take the lead. “Unlike men, we have a wide range of colors, patterns, prints, and textures to pick from where it comes to clothes,” says Mikara.

What’s important about injecting colors, prints, patterns, and textures into your look is to remember the key: use these accentuating factors to elevate your professionalism and command respect. Using the right balance of colors, prints, and patterns is crucial. An imbalanced look will either seem lackluster or come on too strong.


With your body shape and some of your go-to colors, prints, and patterns in mind, you’re ready to add the next layer. This includes fragrances, nails, skincare, and makeup. In terms of makeup, the less the better. It takes very little in the realm of makeup to create an even-toned complexion and accentuate the eyes and lips. Taking care of your skin, however, will ultimately determine how much makeup you’ll need to use. Healthy skin means naturally radiant skin that needs less makeup.

Mikara’s go-to facial hydration recipe: put Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Juice Aloe Vera and distilled water in a travel size spray bottle and mist your face throughout the day.

In terms of perfume, it’s important to remember that your fragrance is a major part of your first impression. If you’re in a room with mostly males, you’ll want a nice scent to accentuate your image.

When you walk into a room of men, the cosmetics you choose are going to highlight who you are. Use these factors to boost your look subtly and help bring out your personality.


Your personal appearance is a business card. So does your image speak as soon as you enter the room? As an emerging leader who wants to evolve in their profession or a highly visible professional in need of a better version of your brand, you realize personal style and a good fashion system routine play a role in your success and productivity. This take-action program Mikara lays out is straightforward yet not easy because your strongest possession, which is self-awareness, sits next to personal development and reflection that exude outward.



Men can’t accentuate themselves with shoes the way women can, so here’s your chance to shine. Women can choose from flats or heels, but one thing is for sure: the right pair of shoes can deem you as a chic woman in charge. A powerful woman in a perfect pair of shoes simply stands out from the crowd. The right pair of heels can help boost your confidence while also commanding respect from the men in your field.


Bring your look together and dominate with the right accessories. Men simply can’t catch eyes with accessories the way women can. Use this to your advantage by scaling your accessories in a way that identifies your personality and offers allure. “Investment pieces can change a simple outfit,” says Mikara.

The perfectly balance of accessories is critical. This balance brings forth a sense of your personality while also displaying your professionalism and dedication.


Being one of the few women in your office or even your field doesn’t have to feel like another obstacle. In fact, you can use your femininity to your advantage. By knowing your shape and complimenting it with styles that bring out your personality and professionalism, you can use your femininity to take control in a male-dominated industry by setting up an appointment with MIIEN Consultancy. 

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