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Style consultant vs clothing subscription box: Who can help me solve my styling problem?

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Appearance plays a crucial role in shaping one's personality and leaving a lasting impression. This makes it important to invest in personal style. And to create a good personal style, people might have to seek help since not everyone has an innate sense of style or fashion identity. But let’s be honest, everyone can benefit from a little guidance on wardrobe style and personal style. Getting help with your wardrobe can make a significant difference in how you present yourself to the world. 

Alongside the option of going to a fashion consultancy or hiring a styling professional, there is the alternative of subscribing to clothing boxes to help you solve your dressing problems. After they hit the market, subscription boxes have been the go-to choice for most people as they are cheaper compared to hiring a styling consultant. But how effective is it in resolving your personal style needs? This article discusses the new and popular option of subscribing to clothing boxes and the personalized option of hiring a style consultant. We delve into the differences between both, and why investing in a style professional might just be the better option. 

Personal style is often perceived as the latest and greatest fashion or the well-known label. However, that’s not it. By Mikara Reid's standards, personal style is forming a relationship with your internal assets that are relevant to your lifestyle, career, mission, core identity, and body shape- just to mention a few. You can create/tailor an image that suits what you want out of your opportunities and areas in your life depending on your priorities, lifestyle, profession, and life’s purpose. Looking into the word, personal is synonymous with distinction, uniqueness, one’s own, individual, and intimate. To begin with, ask yourself this question: What is my distinctive style? How unique is my style? Is my style too vanilla for my standards?

It takes self-awareness and identity to know your personal needs that in turn project to your outward appearance. Personal style starts from the inside. That's why it is called personal style and not their style.

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What is a clothing subscription box?

A clothing subscription box is mainly a box filled with clothing items curated and mailed to someone on a weekly or even monthly basis. All you need to do is fill out a questionnaire and then after, in instances of an online subscription, get a box with 2 to 5 clothing items delivered to you. These services offer a way to discover and stay up-to-date with new conservative styles and the latest fashion trends without having to spend hours browsing through stores or online shops. All in the comfort of your own home. 

In recent years, clothing subscription boxes have become increasingly popular among fashion enthusiasts and busy individuals alike. Its popularity is not new. By generation, millennials have the most active clothing subscriptions. A survey shows as of 2017, 28 percent of U.S millennials had active subscriptions while another survey done in February 2017 states that by gender, 15 percent of the male respondents reported being likely to consider a clothing item subscription.

Shopping for clothes is not new. People still opt to shop online and in stores. According to a survey done in 2019 on online consumers in the United States, 59 percent of people make clothing purchases from Amazon. The same study shows that 67 percent of consumers in the U.S. make their purchases in physical stores like Target and Walmart. 

Personal style is a reflection of one's personality, values, and lifestyle choices. But, can a clothing subscription box bring out these aspects?  

So why would you use a clothing subscription? 

According to a Survey done in 2017, not many people are willing to pay for styling services. For some, hiring a professional stylist is not cheap while for others, it might be that they haven't found someone who knows how to take the ease off their needs. 

Left with no choice, they opt for the most convenient way to help them get dressed in the latest and greatest thing—a clothing subscription box. Compared to traditional shopping methods, the convenience of receiving clothing selections at home and its cost-effectiveness draw many people to subscription boxes. 

Although it has proven to be beneficial, does that subscription box answer the specific needs that cater to your body shape, problems, silhouettes, color, or clothing selection process? Is the online clothing subscription allowing you to form a relationship with the internal assets that pertain to your unique life?

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It is important to note that some clothing subscription boxes may not offer a wide range of sizes or may not cater to unique style preferences. Their options are limited and do not cycle out of their system every season. This leaves the system with the same item pop ups as selection over and over again and therefore not ‘truly’ keeping up with the latest and greatest trends. And since the clothing is selected by an AI, there is a higher possibility of receiving items that do not fit properly. The limited control over the specific items they receive could lead to disappointed or frustrated subscribers. This is not the case for all as some subscriptions allow for one to select, purchase and keep the clothing pieces they want and return the rest. 

If you are going for a quick fix or want a wardrobe update with a few pieces, clothing subscriptions might be the way to go. 

Another way to help you solve styling problems is hiring a style consultant. 

Who is a personal style consultant?

A style consultant is a professional who helps individuals improve their appearance by developing their style and creating a wardrobe that reflects their personality and lifestyle. Furthermore, they offer in-depth advice on clothing, accessories, hair, and makeup to create a cohesive and flattering look. As compared to a clothing subscription, a style consultant offers a more personalized experience based on one’s preferences, taking into account the individual's unique body type and needs. From this, you gain insight into your unique body shape and learn how to dress in a way that flatters your figure. Clients can also learn how to dress for different occasions, how to mix and match different pieces, and how to accessorize effectively. 

With a personal style consultant, you get access to a wider range of services such as wardrobe editing and styling for special events while also learning about important topics like better wardrobe management and how it can benefit your productivity (like what we do at MIIEN Consultancy. Schedule a call with us!).

As a result of the sessions, you get a real understanding of who you are as a person and if anything changes suddenly, a style consultant can act quickly and alter, making the right changes. This is unlike a subscription-based company that has sales representatives with minimal knowledge about style. Human interaction means you get what you need since everything is communicated easily.

If you decide to go through with hiring a style consultant, it is important to take note of a few things to make sure you get the best out of it. First of all, it might not be easy to know who to go with since anyone can give fashion advice. That is why it is crucial to vet someone and ensure that he/she has experience on professional presence and credentials to match. Carry out research. Also, read reviews and hold a conversation to pick the professional’s brain to help you make an informed decision. 

Developing a relationship with a style consultant who understands your uniqueness can be a game-changer for your fashion sense and overall image. You gain confidence in your appearance while saving time and money by preventing costly fashion mistakes. Moreover, you get a wardrobe assessment whether you want to add several clothing items to your closet or get a whole wardrobe revamp. Personal style consultants can help you identify pieces that no longer serve you, making room for new, stylish additions to your closet. Their recommendations will last for a long time even after the sessions are over. 

The choice of getting a style consultant can be safe for you if you know exactly what you need. It is also beneficial if you are busy and don’t have time to figure out what to wear or you just might be tired from the process of trying to pick the right fit or color.

While clothing subscription boxes offer convenience, it may not be the best for those seeking personalized and consistent fashion advice. Being algorithm-based makes it a high-risk option as it doesn’t know real-time habits like schedules and even important things like fabric properties. The process of using subscriptions doesn’t take time to understand one’s requirements and more so on a personal level. Working with a style consultant like Mikara Reid, allows for a more tailored approach to fashion, while also providing flexibility in scheduling.

"A lot of the time, I spend a nice portion with my clients combing through their calendar activities, life mission, personal development, and confidence building before we get to the clothes. And none of those clothing subscription box companies provide that" Mikara Reid of MIIEN Consultancy says. 

While deciding between a style consultant and a clothing subscription box, it is important to consider personal factors such as budget, time constraints, and style preferences. Remember, a person's style can be seen as a reflection of their personality, values, and lifestyle choices. So, pick an option that includes all your needs and offers customized solutions to get the best value for your money and achieve your style goals.

In conclusion, seeking help with style problems is a worthwhile investment in one's self-confidence and overall appearance. We’d like to hear which option you would go for in the comments below. Every response is valued.