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Define Personal Style and What’s Your Style Mission? Recap

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In case you missed it..

On August 23, 2023 at 7 PM EST, Mikara Reid hosted What's Your MIIEN! ? The Conversation Series on Instagram Live. In conversation with her that night was Eliza of Wardrobe Boss, where each of the women talked about their definition of personal style, how they identified their personal style, what were their early influences when it came to fashion, vetting your potential personal stylist and the importance of having a good personal appearance that truly aligns with YOU. 

Mikara Reid started off the live with a passage from her debut book, What’s Your MIIEN! ? Discover Your Fashion Identity, that was centered around the concept fashion vs personal style. She read page 21, and here’s how the series kicked out:

What is the difference between fashion and personal style?

‘I ultimately define fashion as self-expression; depending on how you talk or how you dress, fashion can be self-expression of the latest, greatest, and most popular trends out right now.

Fashion takes our attention away from ourselves. Fashion can be a way to distance yourself from yourself, which may be a desirable thing for some people at some point in time, but my core audience is looking to dress for other reasons that make sense for their future, last a long time, and keep the focus on them.

When it comes to personal style, though, it is where your personality shines through, and it is reflected in what you wear, how you feel in your clothes, and how you select and shop for clothes and accessories. Personal style brings our attention and intentions directly to ourselves. It is a way to have a closer relationship with yourself (I have a whole chapter about this), as its focus and orientation are on the self and how it’s informed and expressed by clothing choices.

I know you’re probably still thinking, but what is the difference, Mikara?

Fashion forms relationships with the external things that are irrelevant to your lifestyle, body shape, and core identity, while personal style forms relationships with the internal things that are relevant to your lifestyle, body shape, and core identity. With fashion changing every so often, you can dig yourself into debt, create confusion and inconsistency with your image, or convey the wrong message.”

If you are interested in watching out next Instagram Live, check us out every Wednesday at 7 PM EST. Want to share your thoughts on how you define personal style and what Mikara Reid and Eliza talked about on August 23, 2023, leave us a voice message at 202.656.2306 or upload your voice notes to this link: MIIEN Notes Podcast, [tap the Send Voice Message].